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Georgadda M Miller
George McA Miller
The New Order of Jesus (PDF - ORC Searchable)
The New Order of Jesus (JPG Not Searchable)
Glenn Dickman and Artesian Farms - 1994
Alafia River Bridge 1946
Alafia River Navigation Channel
Harriett Orcutt Arriving in  Ruskin with Wheeler Family
2014 Alberta Harris Interview
Ruskin property known as "The Quarters"
Atlantic Coast RR Line Crossing in Gibsonton
Cultural Resources of the Unincorporated Portion of Hillsborough County 1979
Descriptive Pamphlet of Hillsborough County, Florida
Interview with Annie May Holloway 1985
1979 Interview with Willard Miller
Interview with Charlie Jahns 1985
Riverview and Methodist Church Histories Entertwined
Hernando de Soto Landing and Route in Florida
Interview with Virginia Jochumsen 1985
Ruskin Planter Vol 19 No 11 March 13, 1959
