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Adaline Miller house

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Title: Adaline Miller house.
Type of Resource: still image
Issuance: single unit
Identifier: Adaline Miller house 002 (IID)
Persistent Link to This Record: Miller house 002
Host Institution: HCCFL

In Collections

Title: Adaline Miller house.
Type of Resource: still image
Issuance: single unit
Place of Publication: Ruskin, FL
Summary: This home, which is today listed on the National Register of Historic Places, sits at the corner of today's US 41 and College Avenue. It was reportedly designed by Adaline Miller, based on drawings of a Swiss Chalet that she found in a favored book. The building served Ruskin College as both a classroom and as the home for President George Miller and his wife, and Vice President of the College, Adaline Miller. Today it is owned by the Ruskin Woman's Club and serves as their headquarters.
Identifier: HCC0101RUS060 (IID)
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Host Institution: HCCFL

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