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A. P. Dickman House on Ruskin Inlet

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A. P. Dickman house. Built c 1913 and sits on the Ruskin Inlet just east of today's US 41 at the end of Dickman drive. Early home of A. P. and Rose Dickman and childhood home of Paul and Pauline Dickman. In later years, including today, the home is owned by the grandson of George McA. Miller. At one time, the building housed a bed and breakfast but is now a private home.
Title: A. P. Dickman House on Ruskin Inlet.
Type of Resource: still image
Summary: A. P. Dickman house. Built c 1913 and sits on the Ruskin Inlet just east of today's US 41 at the end of Dickman drive. Early home of A. P. and Rose Dickman and childhood home of Paul and Pauline Dickman. In later years, including today, the home is owned by the grandson of George McA. Miller. At one time, the building housed a bed and breakfast but is now a private home.
Identifier: HCC0101RUS317 (IID)
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Host Institution: HCCFL

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Title: A. P. Dickman House.
Type of Resource: still image
Summary: A. P. Dickman House. Various views
Identifier: HCC0101RUS318 (IID)
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Host Institution: HCCFL

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